The rough draft of my Publishing/Leadership project is done. What I thought was going to be short and sweet turned out to be 5000 plus words! As far as I can tell, I think I could actually submit it to a proper research journal. Then again, it will need to be hammered on and corrected and improved. But that's ok. So I have opted to submit my project to one of the research journals in MENC. I wasn't sure that I should, but since there is such a scarcity of American elementary music education research, I decided good or bad, I should do my part to alleviate that problem. I was amazed at the lack of research that does not exist for general music education at the elementary level. The typical research is for ages 3-5, or middle school aged and upward. Then, most of the research that does exist is from other countries. This may be a whole new realm of possibility for the future. A doctorate in psychology or neuroscience and then research on elementary aged music students....did Full Sail create an education monster?

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