Lord I was born a rambling.....

This is a place where I can keep my assignments for ETC separate from my ramblings and thoughts.  Here is where my thoughts can just, well, ramble... I once was a much more care-free spirit, with boldness and no fear, unafraid to share what I thought, and believed.  Perhaps the cares of life have somehow worn away that boldness, that confidence.  Perhaps here, I can regain some of that confidence back.  I hope so.  I'm tired of being afraid and weak.  True and lasting change can only come from boldness and strength of heart to act on new-found understanding
So, here are the ramblings of a bodacious woman.  Feel free to converse!  

I just wanted to share some thoughts I was having about my personal learning environment (PLE) and I hope I don't get in trouble for this.  But you never know if you don't dare to try, so here it is...

I have been playing around with my iGoogle pages for days now.  As I explore it and think about all of the sites and social networks I am in, I was both surprised and overwhelmed.  I didn't realize how much I am "out there" in cyberspace.

The thought of creating a personal learning environment (PLE) was a little overwhelming with that checklist.  However, now that it's done, I LOVE IT!  Everything is in one place.  I can continuously change, add, subtract whatever I want and it stretches the tech skills acquired.

If you get a chance, "play" with your iGoogle pages.  Go beyond what is required and explore.  Isn't that what we're here at Full Sail for, to learn and USE the technology that's available.  On my ETC page, I added a Google Bookmarks widget.  HIGHLY recommended (I am not a fan of Apple's bookmarks; I must be doing something wrong)!  I know we have required elements for ETC, but if it is to be truly your PLE, add what works for you in addition to what is required.  Learn new things absolutely, but don't lose what you have.  Simply add to it.

Most importantly, ENJOY YOURSELF!  We knew this was going to be a challenge when decided to attend Full Sail.  Hang in there and enjoy the chance to be in a great program and we will ALL get through this together!  Take the challenge, drink the "kool-aid" and CARPE DIEM!    

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