Saturday, May 28, 2011


 from Anne Alsup

“Practicing enrollment means taking responsibility for not only what you do, but also what is done to you. In many respects it asserts that you will not be a victim of circumstances. Valuable time can be wasted waiting for someone to come to the rescue when the power to change your circumstances lies within the framework you invent for yourself.”

Hi Anne,
Isn’t it easier to place blame, or look for our hero rather than to make choices and be responsible for us?  But how limited we become, how stifled, how powerless.  Invention is the key to freedom for all of us.  Things are what they are.  We have less control than most people realize.  HOW FASCINATING!  It can get lonely in the calculating world in which we often reside.  Or we can enroll others into a new universe.  Power is created in that moment the power of possibility!

Victim, “schmicitim”.  The universe of possibility is a new adventure on which we can embark, and bring others along.    What do you think?  Are you going on the ride? 

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