Saturday, October 23, 2010

PE_4 iMovie GarageBand and Practical Application

As I pondered on what I can or should do for this last week of assignments, it dawned on me that perhaps I had already completed it without realizing.  Since the point of the work here at Full Sail is to USE the technology in everyday settings and situations, I had done just that.  Not only that, but I got a colleague involved with it. 

First you need to know why we have decided to make a video.  An idea came from an article we read SEPARATELY in the Music Educators Journal, September 2010.  At a meeting we both approached each other with the idea so we decided to have an “informance.”  An informance is a presentation about music to a particular audience, usually parents.  The plan is to have 6 sessions during the school year, each lasting a total of 1 hour.  The sessions are broken down by grade level:
K-1 October 27, 2010
Grade 2 November 9, 2010
Grade 3 in January
Grade 4 in March
Grade 5 in April
Summer Activities in June
We alternate schools where the informance is held, we team teach lessons in about 20 minutes, have related activities and discussion for 20 minutes and then have refreshments and continued discussion.  The idea is to inform parents as to the value of music education, what children experience in class and encourage parents to create musical experiences for their child in very fun and EASY ways. 

So now that you know how this started, you need to know a little more detail.  Both of us are camera shy, LIKE HUGE!  So for us to be in a video is a big deal.  The video is affectionately known as a “public service announcement” to publicize our informance.  We got permission to put it up on the districts front homepage (another big deal!); lo and behold, they actually did it.  Step one now complete!

Come back for the next installment of the saga!  

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