So a lot of things. Taking care of family is so important and usually something has to give. In my case it was my blog which I actually enjoyed doing. Now that Mom's health is somewhat better and changes loom in the air, I thought it was time to start writing again.
So what's the deal with Common Core Standards, SLO's (in NY) APPR's (teacher evaluations) and a whole bunch of other changes coming down upon us next year, at least where I live? (Really, do we need MORE acronyms in education?)
In doing some research and making some realizations; after contemplating all that I've learned at Full Sail, (and then my navel) and what I've been doing in the last 20 years in my classroom it's time to make a HUGE change in what and how I teach.
New York State is making huge and admittedly necessary changes in its approach to education. It has embraced the Common Core State Standards ( revamped teacher evaluations which includes student progress as 20% of a teacher's overall grade and SLO's (Student learning objectives) complete with a formalized format and expected for every student for every lesson, OR unit OR quarter OR year, OR all of the above.
So what? In the information age, it's no longer what you know, but learning how to obtain information and then use it. The idea is to create "deeper" and more "meaningful" learning experiences. Academic research supports this premise (see Eric Jensen's Book Brain-Based Learning 2nd edition, 2008 just for starters!) and now the paradigm shift begins from "knowing facts" to "knowing how to find and use facts." (That's not a quote, it's my little mind trying to grasp a concept and put it into simple terms.)
So what? What now? What to do about it? Change or get run over! Embrace the change or resist it but change is still coming. I'm looking back and seeing a few things as I get ready to move ahead. For me, personally, change is NECESSARY!
One of the reason's I attended Full Sail University last year was because of my district's push to use technology in class (see last year's archives if you want more details). Little did I know how much that one decision would change my outlook on these changes coming ahead.
I want to amend a familiar saying: There are only 2 things of which we can be certain: death and taxes. Rather it should say "There are 3 things of which we can be certain: death, taxes and CHANGE.
Change is inevitable, even if it's cyclical. Even if it has already been here before, like fashions or the seasons, it is still change. It may have hallmarks of being here before, but it's never quite exactly the same as before. Some change is easily assimilated, some is not. Each person handles it differently. But I think success in these changes in education will best be met by accepting rather than fighting the change.
I have learned I cannot always control what happens to me. I can only control how I handle what happens to me. I can be reactive or proactive. I am choosing the later.

So what? So in a nutshell it means using project-based learning (PBL). I was looking for help in this area. How do I go deeper into musical learning, meet Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Math, STEM and all of the other requirements and still provide a meaningful musical experience?
So, that's what this blog is now going to be about. Perhaps if I chronicle what I learn, it will help me keep it straight in my mind, and just possibly help someone else along the way.
So let's start simply. I found a website that might be helpful as a starting point. Buck Institute of Education has very clear and simple step on how to start in project based learning. They also offer resources for sale, samples of lesson plans (complete with rubrics) for those who want them. I recommend taking a look if anyone is interested or needs assistance.
So what? So here we go. Let the change begin. I just hope I can keep up! (LOL!)
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